July 2024 Astrology News by Psychic Medium, Rose Burnett

July 2024 Astrology News

Neptune goes retrograde on July 2nd until December 7th 2024. With Neptune ruling spirituality, dreams, karma, and the mystical. When it goes retrograde, it’s time to do a reality check on our lives.

Busting illusions about relationships, behaviors and certain situations. Forcing you to see people and situations as they truly are.

Neptune in retrograde will affect mutable signs the most, including Gemini, Pisces, Sagittarius and Virgo.

Gemini is asked to re-evaluate their life path and career to find more fulfilment.

Pisces will enter a period of self-reflection, choosing to live more authentically and focus on what truly matters to them.

For Sagittarius, there is a focus on home, stability and sense of security.

Virgo is asked to re-examine their relationships when it comes to love, career, family, and friendships. Is there an equal give and take?

Saturn in Retrograde

Saturn is in retrograde from June 30th to November 15th 2024. Offering a period of introspection about your life path and whether it truly fulfills you. Now is the time to make changes and fully commit to your dreams.

New Moon in Cancer 5th July 2024

The new moon in Cancer on July 5th is all about self-awareness. With a focus on nurturing self and those closest to you. Getting clear about your goals and creating a sense of stability around home and family.

On the downside, you may feel more emotionally sensitive and wanting more alone time to hibernate. Spend quiet time in reflection, meditation, and self-care will help ground your energy and rebalance Self.

On July 11th the energy moves into the fire sign of Leo. You may feel more confident, creative, and expressive. Helping you work on your creative projects, writing, and openly sharing your wisdom with the world.

Full Moon in Capricorn 21st July 2024

The full moon in Capricorn conjuncts with Pluto on July 21st, promoting transformation and self-awareness. Helping you become more discerning about relationships and what’s healthy for you.

This transformation will help you drop the layers of protection you have placed around yourself, as you confidently enforce your boundaries and stand your ground with toxic people.

July 2024 Tarot Forecast

Good karma is the theme of July for most Star Signs! The ability to manifest money miracles and surprise gifts bought to you by the Universe. It’s a time to focus on what makes you truly happy.

Watch your July 2024 Tarot Forecast with Psychic Medium, Rose Burnett. Rose has 45K Astrology YouTube Channel on Spirituality, Wellness and Mindset Coaching.

Aquarius Major Shift *Money Miracle *Soulmate *Happiness

It’s your time Aquarius for major blessings! You see through illusions about people from the past and firmly close the door on those who have hurt you. Miracles, love and blessings abound! Watch your July 2024 Tarot Reading >>

Aries Influx of Money! New Career Contract Changes Everything!

Aries that hard work and effort is about to pay off! A lucrative career opportunity is coming your way that brings an influx of money. It’s also important to take care of self and find some quiet time to just chill and relax. Aries watch your July 2024 Tarot Reading now >>

Cancer New Life Chapter…Inner Truths reveal who can & cannot Travel with you!

A time of healing chaos in your life. What emerges after the storm Cancer is what is truly meant for you. A brand new life chapter opens up for you in love, family connections and career. Watch your July 2024 Tarot Reading >>

Capricorn Major Life Decision…leads to Golden Opportunity, Abundance & True Love!

Change is in the wind Capricorn and it’s time to embrace the new. A golden opportunity is about to present itself that will alter the course of your life bringing abundance and travel.  Love is not forgotten with a True Love Soulmate knocking on your door! Capricorn watch your July 2024 Tarot Reading now >>

Gemini Miracle Brewing for You…Big Destiny this Lifetime!

Its time to free yourself from past burdens and embrace an entirely new life orientation. A contract you have been waiting on comes in, opening many new doors with it.  The past is not going to repeat itself, you get the green light to step into a powerful time of manifestation. Watch your July 2024 Tarot Reading >>

Leo Hard Times Over! Best is Yet to Come!

From the storm, you emerge like a shiny new star Leo! Every door opens for you including money, love, personal healing and happiness, and spirit. Its a time to weave your magic in the world and make things happen!  Leo watch your July 2024 Tarot Reading now >>

Libra Lucky Break…Lucrative Contract — Taking Your Rightful Place in the World!

Finally getting the answers you need to release some heavy burdens. As you clear you energy and open up to the new, all manner of opportunities open up for you in career, love and money.  Libra watch your July 2024 Tarot Reading now >>

Pisces Star Power…Everyone is watching you Rise!

Fortune favors the bold and you have that in bucket loads this month Pisces. From miracles to true love, everything is gearing you up for more happiness and sublime success than you have ever known!

People from the past watching your glow up are positively green with envy with how the Universe is blessing your strength! Pisces watch your July 2024 Tarot Reading now >>

Sagittarius Precious Gift is on its Way! Answer to a Prayer!

The most benevolent gift is on its way to you Sagittarius, direct from the heart of the Universe. So pray with conviction and watch all manner of miracles and blessings unfold in your life!  Sagittarius watch your July 2024 Tarot Reading now >>

Scorpio Fate delivers Shocking Miracle that changes Everything!

Your courage, hard work and vision is about to be rewarded Scorpio! As you release outdated ways of thinking that have held you back for so long, doors magically open to prosperity, success and enlightenment.

Spirit has been waiting for you to step into your power Scorpio, now is your time! Watch your July 2024 Tarot Reading now >>

Taurus Major Win *Legal Battle *Overcoming Money Issues

The issue you have been worrying about gets resolved and things go in your favor. A major victory is at hand and its time to celebrate the peace, prosperity, and new love coming your way Taurus!  Watch your July 2024 Tarot Reading now >>

Virgo OMG Double Miracle…Life Changing *Must Watch*

The Universe is not playing games Virgo with a Double Miracle predicted to change your future! Right now is a powerful time to attract everything you want in career, love and happiness.  Virgo watch your July 2024 Tarot Reading now >>

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Rose is a Certified Transformational Coach since 2012 providing expertise in mindset coaching, advanced communication, relationship advice, mind body soul balance, motivating and inspiring others. Rose is an advanced Reiki Practitioner and Psychic Medium with 45K Inspirational YouTube Channel.

Rose Burnett was Executive Contributor to the Brainz Magazine (2021–2022) and CREA Global Awards Recipient 2021 recognizing Top Entrepreneurs and Leaders in innovation, sustainability and their contributions to mental health.

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