Why Do I Keep Attracting Narcissists?

why do I keep attracting narcissists masterclass with Transformational Coach, Rose Burnett

In this Trauma Bonding Masterclass, we dive deep into the sub-conscious mind and explore the karmic patterning and emotional triggers that may be attracting narcissists to you based on past trauma.

Dysfunctional Family Relationships

Dysfunctional family relationships by Rose Burnett, Transformational Coach

In this Masterclass we explore generational karmic imprints and dysfunctional family relationships and how they create trauma bonds as an Adult.

Releasing Attachments | Live Masterclass

Releasing attachments live masterclass with Rose Burnett, Transformational Coach

Today we explore how to release attachments that hold us back in life and affect our mental and emotional wellbeing with Transformational Coach, Rose Burnett.