July 2024 Astrology News

July 2024 Astrology News by Psychic Medium, Rose Burnett

Neptune goes retrograde on July 2nd until December 7th 2024. With Neptune ruling spirituality, dreams, karma, and the mystical. When it goes retrograde, it’s time to do a reality check on our lives.

Astrology Forecast 15 -30th May 2024

Astrololgy News May 2024 by Psychic Medium, Rose Burnett

Discover what’s happening for your Star Sign in the second half of May 2024 with Psychic Medium, Rose Burnett. Rose has a 43K YouTube Channel on astrology and mindset coaching.

Flower Moon | Astrology News May 2024

Flower Moon May 2024 Astrology News by Psychic Medium, Rose Burnett

The Flower Moon in Sagittarius promotes fertility, abundance and enlightenment. Perfect time to kick off new projects have the potential to create amazing abundance and success for you! Discover what’s happening for your Star Sign in May 2024 Astrology News with Psychic Medium, Rose Burnett.

How to Read Tarot for Beginners

How to Read Tarot for Beginners with Psychic Medium, Rose Burnett

Interested in learning how to read your own tarot cards? Join us for the Live Masterclass with Psychic Medium and Transformational Coach, Rose Burnett.

Abundant Pink Full Moon | Astrology

Pink Full Moon April 2024 Astrology News by Psychic Medium, Rose Burnett

The second half of April 2024 brings karmic justice in the form of major blessings in love and money. With eclipse energy still lingering, some people that you have cut out of your life may try to return.

Astrology News April 2024

Astrology News April 2024 by Psychic Medium, Rose Burnett

Get ready…Aries New Moon supercharges the Total Solar Eclipse on 8th April, 2024. Bringing chaotic eclipse energy that will ask us to re-evaluate our relationships and other people’s agendas.