Boost Your Manifesting Powers - Live Masterclass with Transformational Coach, Rose Burnett @

Boost Your Manifestation Power

In this live masterclass with Transformational Coach, Rose Burnett we explore how to overcome ‘scarcity consciousness’ and cultivate a positive mindset that aligns with the ‘Law of Attraction’.

Overcoming Scarcity Consciousness

Scarcity consciousness is living in a state of fear and believing in lack and limitation. With a pervasive negative internal dialogue, like:

  • Habitual, repetitive thoughts about lack and not having enough.
  • Not being able to see a way out of a situation
  • Constantly worrying about money
  • Intense focus on material things that are not in your life right now.
  • Apathy or feelings of hopelessness to change your situation.
  • Engaging in ‘victimhood’ or not taking responsibility for Self.
  • Being unwilling to make necessary changes, procrastinating, or feeling stuck.
  • Time Limitations — feeling like it is too late in life to change things because of your age. Putting pressure on yourself around timelines to accomplish your financial goals. Comparing your progress in life to others and coming up short.

Every thought negative or positive creates energy, emotion and feeling within self which then radiates outwards into our environment.

When it comes to manifesting we need to understand the following laws:

  • Law of Oneness — Everything is connected.
  • Law of Vibration — What your vibrating out (either positive or negative)
  • Law of Attraction — how we attract to us what we want.

When you shift your energy (positive or negative), everything around you vibrationally shifts in response to that.

Why do we have Scarcity Consciousness?

Scarcity consciousness can be deeply embedded in the neural pathways of the brain as a conditioned response from karmic imprints formed in childhood.

It can come from not having your needs met as a child through to adolescence. Having your needs consistently denied by caregivers or made to feel guilty or shamed for asking in the first place.

There could be an awareness of “poverty” growing up in relation to family finances of not having enough.

As an adult, scarcity consciousness can be created from a significant financial loss or negative life experience like:

  • Divorce — loss of assets like the family home or financial stability.
  • Bankruptcy
  • Loss of a Job or unemployment
  • Difficulty getting a job
  • Environmental things outside of your control that affect us globally, like Covid, stock market crash, financial crisis.
  • Illness or injury that affects your income, or ability to work.
  • Not earning enough to cover your bills and basic needs, including living expenses.

Looking at Abundance in a Different Way

When we experience a significant financial loss it can help us realize what is truly important and in most cases, it is not material things.

Abundance can relate to how much joy, pleasure and happiness you are getting from your ‘journey’ that is your life.

How much you are living in flow with who you are?

You can be doing something that brings you financial rewards but leads to a ‘slow death of the Soul’ because it isn’t in alignment with who you are or what makes you happy.

Which doesn’t mean be financially irresponsible but we need to look at abundance in a different way.

It‘s important not to associate what you have (or not have) materially and financially, with your sense of self-worth.

You need to learn how to hold your center and sense of self-love no matter what is happening around you.

Releasing Limiting Beliefs

Scarcity consciousness can give us a limited view of what is possible for ourselves, which then holds us back in life.

You may feel like that some things are unreachable for you, like:

  • Owning your own home
  • Buying a new car
  • Having enough money in your bank account to pay your bills, so that you don’t worry.
  • Holidays
  • Material things you would like to spoil yourself with.
  • Starting your own business or pursuing a creative idea.

So how do overcome scarcity consciousness and limiting beliefs to cultivate a positive mindset to manifest what you want?

Watch Live Masterclass Replay Now…

Discover powerful tools that help you have conscious awareness of your negative thought patterns and how to cultivate a positive mindset. We explore how to move through stuck states when you feel like you have hit ‘rock bottom’ financially and what to do.

We dive deep into manifestation practices and the Law of Attraction to attract more of what you want.

Click to watch now >>

Boost Your Manifesting Power eBook by Rose Burnett
Download Details

Boost Your Manifesting Power eBook

Download Masterclass eBook

If you enjoyed the Live Masterclass Replay with Transformational Coach, Rose Burnett instantly download the eBook guide that goes with the video to keep.

Learn how to:

  • Overcome Negative Beliefs and Stuck States 
  • Change Your Relationship to Money
  • Break the Pattern of Scarcity Consciousness
  • Deal with hitting rock bottom
  • Self Soothe when feeling stressed
  • Improve your Manifesting Powers with Law of Oneness, Law of Attraction and Law of Vibration.
  • Create a Positive Mindset

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Final Word…Understanding the Power of Magnetism

Magnetism is like the sticky glue between your thoughts and what you want to attract. Whatever you feed wins, whether positive or negative.

If you have a dream or idea that you want to pursue or achieve, it was given to you for a reason.

The power of the positive is having an unshakable belief that what you desire you can attain.


Rose is a Certified Transformational Coach since 2012 providing expertise in mindset coaching, advanced communication, relationship advice, mind body soul balance, motivating and inspiring others. Rose is an advanced Reiki Practitioner and Psychic Medium with 42K Inspirational YouTube Channel

Artist of Impressionist Art in Prints and Homewares at Elisium Gallery and NFT Creator on OpenSea & Rarible.

Rose Burnett was Executive Contributor to the Brainz Magazine (2021–2022) and CREA Global Awards Recipient 2021 recognizing Top Entrepreneurs and Leaders in innovation, sustainability and their contributions to mental health.

Follow Rose on: Instagram | FacebookYouTube

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