Astrology News April 2024 by Psychic Medium, Rose Burnett

Astrology News April 2024

Get ready…Aries New Moon supercharges the Total Solar Eclipse on 8th April, 2024. Bringing chaotic eclipse energy that will ask us to re-evaluate our relationships and other people’s agendas.

Questioning whether they are healthy for us or do we need to leave some people behind?

Challenges with others can push us to focus on our own projects and goals, firing up our confidence and motivation to succeed.

That kick-ass energy of ‘I will show you who I am’.

The eclipse conjuncts with Chiron in Aries bringing past wounding into the present moment to reveal powerful insights. Helping us to recognize where we will not allow others to wound us anymore.

Landing in the second and eighth house, eclipse energy puts the spotlight on our finances, resources, assets, and talents.

We explore what belongs to us and how our finances are intertwined with others including joint finances, inheritances and taxes.

What do we need to change or improve?

Eclipse energy will affect the star signs of Aries and Libra the most.

Pink Full Moon

On April 23rd we have the Scorpio Full Moon, which is a Pink Moon. You may feel more emotionally sensitive and intuitive.

It aligns with the sun in Taurus, bringing a very practical and productive aspect to our lives. Providing a harmonizing energy in career and finances.

The Pink Full Moon favors the star signs of Cancer, Pisces, Virgo and Capricorn.

It can negatively influence the star signs of Aquarius and Leo in friendships and relationships.

April 2024 Tarot Forecast — All Star Signs

Discover what’s happening for your Star Sign in April 2024 Tarot Forecasts with Psychic Medium, Rose Burnett.

Rose has a 42K YouTube Channel on astrology, mindfulness, inspirational media and Transformational coaching.

Watch your Star Sign reading now…

Aquarius Double Confirmation of Miracle!

A map of destiny is at play bringing new beginnings, freedom and the ability to manifest miracles.

Click to play your Aquarius April 2024 Tarot Reading now >>

Aries Shock Abundance Changes Everything!

Aries April is not a time to rush. You asked to slow down and be in flow. There will be major decisions to make around new career offers that will bring in a lot more abundance to your life.  Watch your Aries April 2024 Tarot Reading now >>

Cancer Secret to Your Happiness!

Birthing new projects and taking risks leads you to your abundance and happiness. Overcoming heartbreak and opening up to new possibilities in love and life. Everything you want is coming Cancer!  Watch your Cancer April 2024 Tarot Reading now >>

Capricorn Your Glow Up has them Spinning Out!

The way you have bounced back Capricorn has everyone talking. With the power of the Universe behind you are unstoppable this month!  Watch your Capricorn April 2024 Tarot Reading now >>

Gemini Good Fortune is Destined for You!

April may feel rocky Gemini with financial constraints and health issues, but you will prevail. Hold fast because there are some wonderful changes in luck coming your way!  Watch your Gemini April 2024 Tarot Reading now >>

Leo Things just Got a Little Wild in the Henhouse!

Well you could not have seen this coming! A major rebirth of your wild, beautiful self this month! So many things are happening you may wonder if the Universe just tipped you upside down.  

Leo this is going to be a wild ride! Watch your Leo April 2024 Tarot Reading now >>

Libra Rare Gift Changes Your Life!

The Universe is asking you to be teachable, so that you can learn some very valuable lessons when it comes to relationships.  Patience and grounding your energy is required because all manner of blessings are about to come your way.

Watch your Libra April 2024 Tarot Reading now >>

Pisces Miracle Healing + True Love

You may find solace and peace in solitude this month Pisces. A major metamorphosis is occurring around health, relationships and love.  Watch your Pisces April 2024 Tarot Reading now >>

Sagittarius Date with Destiny!

A golden opportunity is coming that may involve relocation and travel. Pay attention to contract details and you may need to consider others in your decision. Health is focus this month along with getting enough rest.

Watch your Sagittarius April 2024 Tarot Reading now >>

Scorpio Major Life Changes X Frenemies — No one Can Stop this!

Making peace with the past opens a world of new opportunities. Double confirmation of a miracle coming! Don’t waste your energy on Ex’s and frenemies who try to hold you back from these well earned blessings.

Watch your Scorpio April 2024 Tarot Reading now >>

Taurus Your Abundance is Coming!

You may feel like things are slow when it comes to money but get prepared for things to change dramatically. A Soulmate love is also highlighted!  Watch your Taurus April 2024 Tarot Reading now >>

Virgo Love Match & Money Miracle!

There is a portal opening up to travel, money and love. A divine love match is cozying up in your corner. This will be a wonderful month for you!  Watch your Virgo April 2024 Tarot Reading now >>

Book Psychic Reading

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Psychic Readings can help you find clarity in an area of your life that you are feeling confused about or experiencing challenge in. It’s important to find a psychic advisor that you feel comfortable with and can trust.

Which is why we have partnered with Spiritual Blossom an experienced team of vetted advisors in Tarot, Astrology and Psychic Readings. Use their ‘Match Me’ function to find the perfect advisor for you.

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Rose is a Certified Transformational Coach since 2012 providing expertise in mindset coaching, advanced communication, relationship advice, mind body soul balance, motivating and inspiring others. Rose is an advanced Reiki Practitioner and Psychic Medium with 42K Inspirational YouTube Channel.

Artist at Elisium Gallery and NFT Creator on OpenSea & Rarible.

Rose Burnett was Executive Contributor to the Brainz Magazine (2021–2022) and CREA Global Awards Recipient 2021 recognizing Top Entrepreneurs and Leaders in innovation, sustainability and their contributions to mental health.

Follow Rose on: Instagram | Facebook | YouTube

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