Why empaths attract narcissists by Transformational Coach, Rose Burnett

Why Empaths Attract Narcissists

If you didn’t know…being an Empath is a magnet for Narcissists. Within families, love relationships, friendships and in the workplace. Lets explore why?

What is an Empath?

Empaths are highly intuitive and can read a room with incredible accuracy which can instantly trigger a Narcissist who likes to wear a mask.

Empaths have a strong presence, they are confident and high vibing. They are sensitive to the emotions of others and feel their own emotions deeply.

People find it comforting to be around an Empath because they deeply care about others, including the underdog.

They look for the best in people and can take on the role of a ‘rescuer’. Empaths tend to put the needs of others first and often give too much.

Which makes them highly attractive to a Narcissist, who tries to dominate and control them.

On the downside, Empaths can suffer from fatigue, depression and anxiety because they have difficulty saying no to others. They need their alone time to recharge and it’s important for Empaths to have good boundaries.

Empaths are highly creative, visionaries and find it difficult to conform in normal jobs. They are great problem solvers and idealists and struggle to understand why people can’t just get along.

They rarely lose faith despite the challenges and problems they face, often making them catalysts for healing change in others.

Empaths are spiritual but not necessarily religious, and work from their higher states of consciousness.

What is a Super Empath?

Super Empaths have honed their intuitive and psychic abilities to an advanced level.

They are difficult to fool and others will find it incredibly difficult to maintain a false mask with a Super Empath. They will often mirror back to the wearer what they are trying to hide and have no problem calling a person out on any falseness.

Super Empaths are empowered, loving and strong.

They are self-reliant and independent emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. They will not allow a Narcissist to project their toxicity on to them.

Which often makes them the target of narcissistic abuse in families, friendships, the workplace and love relationships.

Watch the Relationship Masterclass Now…

In this masterclass, we dive deep into the ways Super Empaths trigger Narcissists. The trauma and psychology behind a Narcissist’s dysfunctional behavior including gaslighting.

And why gaslighting doesn’t work with a Super Empath.

Click to watch now >>

Emotional Sensitivity eBook by Transformational Coach, Rose Burnett
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Emotional Sensitivity eBook

Emotional Sensitivity eBook

If you an Empath, you may often feel emotionally sensitive to harsh environments and the energies of others.  If you resonate with this you may find this eBook on ‘Emotional Sensitivity’ very helpful.

Learn how to: 

  • Understand the causes of emotional sensitivity
  • Manage Triggers and self-sabotaging behaviours
  • Overcome Emotional Dysregulation and not take things personally.
  • Stay calm and more balanced in challenging situations.
  • Confidently express your needs
  • Improve self acceptance and value Self.
  • Cope better with states of distress and overwhelm.

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Rose is a Certified Transformational Coach since 2012 providing expertise in mindset coaching, advanced communication, relationship advice, mind body soul balance, motivating and inspiring others. Rose is an advanced Reiki Practitioner and Psychic Medium with 42K Inspirational YouTube Channel

Artist of Impressionist Art in Prints and Homewares at Elisium Gallery and NFT Creator on OpenSea & Rarible.

Rose Burnett was Executive Contributor to the Brainz Magazine (2021–2022) and CREA Global Awards Recipient 2021 recognizing Top Entrepreneurs and Leaders in innovation, sustainability and their contributions to mental health.

Follow Rose on: Instagram | Facebook | YouTube

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