Releasing attachments live masterclass with Rose Burnett, Transformational Coach

Releasing Attachments | Live Masterclass

Today we explore how to release attachments that hold us back in life and affect our mental and emotional wellbeing with Transformational Coach, Rose Burnett.

Sometimes we can feel ourselves blocked or stuck in life or constantly recycling through past negative life experiences and connections.

What is an Attachment?

An attachment can be any of the following:

  • Anything that holds you back in life
  • Negative event, situation or person
  • Karmic Imprint
  • Past Life Contract that affects you fully using your divine gifts and talents in this lifetime.
  • Negative Life Experience that you keep re-living.
  • Anything that affects your Spiritual Authority or Empowerment.
  • You may be attaching your energy to someone else, like an Ex partner or relationship that didn’t work out.

Attachments can attach to your aura, mental and emotional body, create chakra imbalances and blockages in your life force energy.

We tend to operate from our lower chakras like the Root and Sacral Chakras, rather than our higher states of consciousness.

How to Release Attachments…

We need to recognize the power of the mind and make a conscious choice to release attachments that no longer serve us.

There are various ways to release attachments including:

  • Cord Cutting Exercises
  • Karma Cleansing Mantras
  • Visualization Exercises
  • Guided Meditations – that Release Attachments, Cleanse the Aura and Pull Back your Spiritual Authority.
  • Placing your Energetic Body and Spiritual Body in a ‘Merkaba of Protection’.
  • Crystal Protection
  • Reiki Energy Healing
  • Sound Therapy

Watch the Replay of the Live Session on Releasing Attachments to discover how to apply these practices for Self…

Mindfulness & Living in the Present Moment

Having self awareness of negativity that may be impacting your daily life will help you gain clarity on what attachments need releasing.

It will show up as negative emotions, repeating negative thought processes, feeling stuck, a lack of confidence or confusion.

You may be pining over someone or attaching your sense of happiness to another person. Expecting them to fill up your cup emotionally, physically or financially to make you happy.

Watch the Live Session Replay on how to use ‘Mindfulness Practices’ to release attachments to past experiences and people so you can live more fully in the present moment.

Also engage in self-care activities that help uplift, inspire and keep you anchored in the now.


Rose is a Certified Transformational Coach since 2012 providing expertise in mindset coaching, advanced communication, relationship advice, mind body soul balance, motivating and inspiring others. Rose is an advanced Reiki Practitioner and Psychic Medium with 42K Inspirational YouTube Channel

Artist of Impressionist Art in Prints and Homewares at Elisium Gallery and NFT Creator on OpenSea & Rarible.

Rose Burnett was Executive Contributor to the Brainz Magazine (2021–2022) and CREA Global Awards Recipient 2021 recognizing Top Entrepreneurs and Leaders in innovation, sustainability and their contributions to mental health.

Follow Rose on: Instagram | Facebook | YouTube

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