Positive Affirmations Innertune App Review

Positive Affirmations can help us cultivate a sense of inner peace in daily life. Using positive affirmations as a regular part of our mindfulness practices can help retrain the neural pathways of the brain to:

  • Challenge negative self-talk and re-frame how we think about things.
  • Encourage positive change
  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Redefine who we are and improve self-worth
  • Make you more resilient in times of challenge
  • Motivate and inspire Self
  • Positively influence physical health and wellbeing
  • Improve sleep by soothing and relaxing the mind, body, and emotions.
  • Replace sub-conscious patterning and old ways of thinking.
  • Live in higher vibration and increase your manifestation powers

I like to think of affirmations as regularly filling up your own cup of positivity. Affirmations are a powerful tool to use as pattern interrupts whenever you are stuck in cycles of negative self-talk, or recycling through past events that are emotionally distressing.

Positive Affirmations are excellent for releasing any fear based thoughts that may be preventing you from confidently moving forward.

If you struggle to think of affirmations or would like to boost your mood and motivation, check out the following recommended affirmation apps.

Recommended Apps

Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life!

Innertune’s Affirmation App helps you reprogram your mind with daily affirmations that sets you up for a day full of positivity and success.

With a large library of Positive Affirmations to choose from you can improve any area of your life. Create your own playlists or let the Innertune App instantly create affirmation playlists for you.

Totally customizable, choose the voice and background music you most want to hear.

Compatible with iPhone and Android the Innertune App is super simple and easy to use. Set daily reminders to listen to your affirmations or tap on the App anytime you need to boost your mood or soothe and balance your emotions.

Play them for 1 minute or 5 minutes in the FREE version of the app or opt in for the Premium Version for longer listening time and a bigger library of affirmations. There is a complimentary Free 3 Day Trial of the Premium Version it you want to try it out.

Join Over 100K Happy Users! Download Innertune App now and start your path to a more positive life.

Reviews of Innertune App;
"I love this App and use it anytime I want to boost my mood or come back to a place of inner peace when life gets in the way!"

Science Behind Affirmations

Power of Positive Affirmations by Rose Burnett
Re-train Neural Pathways

Regularly using Positive Affirmations helps re-train the neural pathways of the brain that supports positive thinking to create lasting change.

Innertune App Reviews
Counterbalance Negativity

As humans we have a tendency towards negativity bias, meaning we remember negative experiences over positive ones. Affirmations can help you to pattern interrupt old negative thought patterns. 

Reprogram Subconscious Mind with Innertune App
Reprogram Subconscious Mind

At a deep subconscious level we may be unaware of past trauma and ways of thinking that may undermine your happiness in daily life. Positive affirmations work deep on the subconscious when in meditative and sleep states.