Pasl Life Regression and Akashic Records explained by Psychic Medium, Rose Burnett.

Past Life Regression & Akashic Records Explained by Rose Burnett

Learn how to open your Akashic Record and access your Past Life Information and connect to your Spirit Guides with Psychic Medium & Mindset Coach, Rose Burnett.

Past Life Regression is a practice to help you recall information from past lives through flashes of memory, visualisations of places, events, and people you connected with in past lives.  You can access your past life history through meditation, hypnosis, quiet reflection, memories and flashbacks.

The theory of past lives is that we reincarnate into different physical forms (bodies) in different lives and ages through history on the earth planes and spiritual planes.

When you delve into your past lives you may feel an affinity to Star Peoples, Ancient Soul Tribes, certain Spirit Guides, Ancient Healers, Gods and Goddesses, Archangels, Animal Spirit Guides, stars and celestial bodies like Star Sirius and Pleides. You may resonate with certain times and places in history on earth like Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Vikings, Aztecs, Incas, and Atlantis.

When  you incarnate into this lifetime you bring with you knowledge and wisdom from past lives, including divine gifts and talents. For example:

  • Being a Seer or Psychic Medium
  • Healing Abilities
  • Financial Gifts and leadership abilities, strong organizing and planning skills.
  • Educator or Philosopher
  • Traveler and Explorer
  • May have bought people or tribes together in past lives, like a mediator or leader of communities
  • High Priest or High Priestess and have seen yourself engaging in spiritual practices in past lives.
  • Earth Angel or Environmentalist with a deep affinity to mother earth, nature and animals.
  • Creative or a writer
  • Farmer or Ruler of the land
  • Lightworker or energy healer
  • Crystal Healing and a knowledge of crystals (without knowing where it comes from)
  • Gifted with sound and music
  • Builder, Protector, Warrior or Provider for family or community.
  • Help activate people onto the next stage of their life path or ascension.
  • Special affinity with certain spirit animals.

You may have karmic attachments and soul contracts operating heavily in the lifetime from past lives. They may inhibit your ability to feel comfortable using your divine gifts and talents in this lifetime. 

You have the power to break those contracts and karmic attachments in this lifetime through all dimensions of time and space to clear your energy, using certain practices.

You may have been sent here into this lifetime for a specific purpose. And it may have been preordained that you experience many difficult and challenging life circumstances in this lifetime so that you can help heal and educate humanity.

Watch Masterclass Now

Watch this insightful video with Psychic Medium & Mindset Coach, Rose Burnett which explains Past Life Regression and how to access your Akashic Records.  Rose shares her personal story of uncovering her own past life history, divine gifts and talents, and how she connected with her spirit team. Click to play >>

Akashic Records Explained…

The Akashic Records is record of every Soul light on this planet and records a soul’s journey through their past lives including positive and negative experiences held in the fifth dimension of space. 

It is a storehouse of information of a Soul’s past, present and future.  Anyone can access their own Akashic Record. It takes time and patience and an openness to trust in the information and visions that come to you.

Some suggested practices to help you access your Akashic Record include: 

  • Guided Meditations
  • Sound Therapy
  • Quiet Walks in Nature – ask Spirit to show you parts of past lives.  You may feel, intuit or see memories of past lives.
  • Raise and elevate your vibration through spiritual practices.
  • Connect regularly with your Spirit Guides and Spirit team as they have travelled with you through many past lives.
  • Develop your psychic abilities
  • Regularly clear and balance your chakras, especially the higher chakras.


The following guided meditations and hypnosis meditations may help you access your Akashic Record and call in your Spirit Guides.  These resources are sourced for free from YouTube, all copyright permissions are attributed to the creators.


Rose is a Certified Transformational Coach since 2012 providing expertise in mindset coaching, advanced communication, relationship advice, mind body soul balance, motivating and inspiring others. Rose is an advanced Reiki Practitioner and Psychic Medium with 45K Inspirational YouTube Channel.

Rose Burnett was Executive Contributor to the Brainz Magazine (2021–2022) and CREA Global Awards Recipient 2021 recognizing Top Entrepreneurs and Leaders in innovation, sustainability and their contributions to mental health.

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