Lions Gate Portal 2024 Activation Reading 888 by Psychic Medium, Rose Burnett

Lions Gate Portal 2024 Activation Reading ‘What You Need to Know’

Fully Activate your Spiritual Power on Lions Gate Opening 8:8:8 with this Activation Reading (34 Minutes) + Individual Tarot Guidance for each Star Sign.

In this in-depth Tarot Reading with Psychic Medium, Rose Burnett discover how to release past attachments, cleanse your energy, and fully activate your spiritual power to take advantage of Lions Gate Portal 2024 for the year ahead.

The Lions Gate Portal opened on 26th July 2024 and stays open until 12th August 2024. With the highest activation of 888 Portal on 8th August 2024.  Star Sirius is closest to Earth on this day and as the Sun rises in Leo an alignment occurs with the top of the pyramids in Giza, Egypt sending a surge of Sirian energy into the earth planes.

The earth planes and spiritual planes are open to each other. Activating ascension, for some a spiritual awakening and access to your DNA light codes of past life information connected to your Soul light.

The Sun in Leo represents courage and strength and the number 8 symbolizes infinity, ambition, success and mastery.  Making it a powerful time for positive transformation and accelerating to the next level of ascension and growth. The 888 Portal this year amplifies this energy threefold.

The Star Sirius is the brightest star in our sky and also known as the ‘Spiritual Sun’.  Star Seeds can feel a deep connection the to the Star Sirius, its celestial energy and connection to Ascended Masters and Ancient Egypt. The Lions Gate Portal 2024 is a powerful time to work with the gods of Ancient Egypt like Isis and Osiris.

In Ancient Egypt, the Lions Gate Opening marked the arrival of the Egyptian New Year and flooding of the Nile.  Fertilizing the fields and symbolizing a time of celebration, fertility and gratitude.

Lions Gate Portal 2024 Activation Reading

To fully activate the spiritual power of the Lions Gate Portal happening this week watch the first part of this activation reading (34 minutes long). Then skip to your Star Sign using the time stamps below to receive guidance on your divine gifts and talents, life purpose, tarot guidance, and spirit animal guidance.

Aquarius 34:58 | Aries 39:08 | Cancer 45:17 | Capricorn 51:51 | Gemini 59:38 | Leo 01:08:43 Libra 01:15:16 | Pisces 01:21:43 | Sagittarius 01:28:46 | Scorpio 01:36:48 | Taurus 01:43:44 | Virgo 01:53:37

Need More Answers?

If you would like more guidance on your current situation, life purpose, akashic record and past life information book a Personal Reading with Rose.  Click here to learn more…

Past Life Regression & Akashic Records Explained

Learn how to open your Akashic Record and access your Past Life Information and connect to your Spirit Guides with Psychic Medium & Mindset Coach, Rose Burnett.

Rose shares her own personal experiences with past life regression and how to discover your past live connections,divine gifts and talents.



Rose is a Certified Transformational Coach since 2012 providing expertise in mindset coaching, advanced communication, relationship advice, mind body soul balance, motivating and inspiring others. Rose is an advanced Reiki Practitioner and Psychic Medium with 45K Inspirational YouTube Channel.

Rose Burnett was Executive Contributor to the Brainz Magazine (2021–2022) and CREA Global Awards Recipient 2021 recognizing Top Entrepreneurs and Leaders in innovation, sustainability and their contributions to mental health.

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