Lions Gate Opening 8th August 2024

Lions Gate Opening 8–08–2024 & Moon Energies | LEO SEASON

Get ready for a power packed month in August 2024 with Leo Season amping up fire energy for all the Star Signs.

New Moon in Leo

The New Moon in Leo on 4th August 2024 sextiles with Mars and Jupiter boosting your sense of self-confidence, strength and courage. Making you feel more motivated, decisive and goal orientated.

Watch out for Mercury in retrograde, as past people may try and return to your life. Attracted to your energy and glow up, beware of hidden intentions and illusions.

Lions Gate Opening

The Lions Gate Portal opened on 28th July 2024 and extends to August 12th 2024. The peak activation happens on the 8th August 2024 (8:8:8) with the Star Sirius being closest to Earth and aligning with the Sun rising in Leo and top of the pyramids in Giza, Egypt.

Welcoming a surge of Sirian energy into the earth plane, opening a portal between the earthly planes and spiritual planes.

Helping to accelerate spiritual growth, ascension, and receive downloads of DNA light codes related to your past lives, and divine gifts and talents.

In Ancient Egypt, the Lions Gate Opening marked the arrival of the Egyptian New Year when the Nile flooded and fertilized the fields. Representing a postive time of celebration and gratitude.

The number 8 represents infinity, success and mastery. These energies are amplified threefold this year for the Lions Gate Opening.

Suggested Practices during the Lions Gate Opening

Lions Gate Opening 8/08/2024 what you need to know

To take advantage of the Lions Gate Opening energy, try the suggested practices below:

  • Release Attachments & Past Energies — the day before the Lions Gate Opening do some cord cutting activities, journaling or guided meditations to clear your energy and release attachments to the past to fully open up to the new.
  • Get up Early and Watch the Sun Rise — to absorb the Sirian energy in full power as the Lion Gate activates fully on the 8/08/2024.
  • Cleanse Your Crystals Outside — on the Day of the Lions Gate Opening to supercharge their energy and vibration.

Full Moon in Aquarius — 19th August 2024

The energy of the Full Moon on August 19th enhances relationships, romance and starting new projects. You may feel more inclined to work alone and embrace your individuality versus working with groups.

With Mercury opposing the Full Moon in Aquarius, there can be shock surprises and situations that may trigger your emotional states. Do your best to remain grounded and balanced.

August 2024 Tarot Forecast — All Star Signs

Discover what’s happening for your Star Sign in love, money, career, and relationships in August 2024 with Psychic Medium, Rose Burnett.  Rose has 45K Astrology YouTube Channel on Spirituality, Wellness and Mindset Coaching. Click on your Star Sign link below to watch your tarot reading now…

August 2024 Tarot Forecast with Psychic Medium, Rose Burnett


Rose is a Certified Transformational Coach since 2012 providing expertise in mindset coaching, advanced communication, relationship advice, mind body soul balance, motivating and inspiring others. Rose is an advanced Reiki Practitioner and Psychic Medium with 45K Inspirational YouTube Channel.

Rose Burnett was Executive Contributor to the Brainz Magazine (2021–2022) and CREA Global Awards Recipient 2021 recognizing Top Entrepreneurs and Leaders in innovation, sustainability and their contributions to mental health.

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