Re-Earthing Yourself to Reduce Stress

Re-earthting Yourself to reduce Stress by Rose Burnett, Transformational Coach

In this inspirational video, Transformational Coach Rose Burnett walks us through the benefits of re-earthing, sound therapy and guided meditations to release stuck emotional energy to heal the physical and emotional body.

Abundant Pink Full Moon | Astrology

Pink Full Moon April 2024 Astrology News by Psychic Medium, Rose Burnett

The second half of April 2024 brings karmic justice in the form of major blessings in love and money. With eclipse energy still lingering, some people that you have cut out of your life may try to return.

Astrology News April 2024

Astrology News April 2024 by Psychic Medium, Rose Burnett

Get ready…Aries New Moon supercharges the Total Solar Eclipse on 8th April, 2024. Bringing chaotic eclipse energy that will ask us to re-evaluate our relationships and other people’s agendas.